Standard Operating Procedures
Statement of Purpose: The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) guide the day-to-day operation of the Bladen County Schools and the Board of Education/Superintendent relationship, consistent with underlying Board policies and governing General Statutes. These SOPs are intended to address commonly occurring situations and issues, and provide a quick reference to important policy provisions and legal principles. They are not intended to replace or override existing Board policies or governing statutes. References are to the Board policies from which the SOPs are derived. The SOPs align with the Board’s Strategic Plan Core Values.
1. Authority of the Board:
The Board is the governing body of the school system and relies upon its Superintendent to carry out all of the day-to-day operations and administration of the school system. The Board establishes policy, acts on recommendations of its Superintendent and his/her staff, and when necessary, acts as a quasi-judicial body to decide student or personnel matters. The Board hires the Superintendent and the Board Attorney; all other staff are employed upon the Superintendent’s recommendation and the Board’s approval. (Policies 2010, 7100).
2. Authority of Individual Board Members:
The Board and its individual members can only act as a body in an official meeting. Individual Board members have no official authority to act for the Board outside of Board decisions made at an authorized and properly noticed meeting. (Policy 2100). The Board Chair and Vice-Chair are authorized to carry out certain official duties on behalf of the Board under Policy 2210.
3. Authority of the Superintendent:
The Superintendent is the chief executive officer of the school system, responsible for all of the day-to-day operations and administration of the school system and its staff, consistent with the Board’s policies and applicable law. The Superintendent is authorized to organize, reorganize, and arrange school system personnel and may assign employees as he/she deems appropriate, consistent with legal requirements. (Policies 2010, 7440).
4. School System Line of Authority:
The Superintendent is the only school system employee who reports directly to the Board. All other staff report to their supervisors and ultimately to the Superintendent. The Board recognizes that all employees are responsible to the Superintendent and that the Board will receive all reports from or regarding them through the Superintendent. Board members are not authorized to bypass the Superintendent or any member of his/her administrative team to direct, supervise, or investigate staff. (Policies 2010 and 2100).
5. Parent or Community Concerns Addressed to Board Members:
Board members may listen to parent or community concerns but will (1) refer the person sharing such concerns to the appropriate BCS staff member and (2) make the Superintendent aware of the concern. (Policy 2122).
6. Faculty or Staff Concerns Addressed to Board Members:
Board members may listen to faculty or staff concerns but will 1) refer the person sharing such concerns to their appropriate supervisor or direct report and (2) make the Superintendent aware of the concern. (Policy 2122).
7. Board Member Requests for Information:
When Board members wish to request existing school system information, they will direct their request to the Superintendent for assignment to the appropriate staff member(s). All Board members will be provided with the requested information. Board members may directly contact staff only if seeking clarification of information already provided to them. Routine information requests pertaining to Board operations, scheduling, or meetings may be directed to the Board clerk. (Policy 2010).
8. Prohibition Upon Board Member Investigations:
Individual Board members may not conduct investigations or inquiries regarding school system personnel, students, or operational matters. (Policy 2120).