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School Improvement Plans

Bladen County Schools is using the Indistar and NCStar platforms to create and monitor School Improvement Plans (SIPs). The school improvement process is continuous and information in NCStar is updated regularly.

Parent Notification

To access the NCStar platform for schools, please visit the following website: and enter the corresponding login ID and password. Please note the ID and password are the same. 

Name of School Guest Login/Password
Bladen Early College GuestS18824
Bladen Lakes GuestS15608
Bladenboro Middle GuestS15606
Bladenboro Primary GuestS15607
Clarkton School of Discovery GuestS15609
Dublin Primary GuestS15610
East Arcadia GuestS15611
East Bladen High GuestS15612
Elizabethtown Middle GuestS15319
Elizabethtown Primary GuestS15613
Tar Heel School GuestS20998
West Bladen High GuestS15616