Academic Policies and Procedures
- Grading Scale
- Attendance Policy
- Honor Roll Criteria Grades 3-12
- Advance Courses in Mathematics Procedures
- CCP Program Criteria for Freshmen and Sophomores
- Honors Level Course Portfolio Requirements
- NCVPS Enrollment for Summer School Courses
- Middle School Criteria for Seated High School Courses
Grading Scale
Grades Kindergarten through 2nd
Letter Grade | Description | Numerical Equivalency* |
S+ | Outstanding | 90-100 |
S | Satisfactory | 80-89 |
N | Needs Improvement | 70-79 |
N- | Not meeting grade level objectives | 60-69 |
U | Unsatisfactory | 0-59 |
* Percentage grades in K-2 are for Student Information System values
* Progress Reports—Issued two times per grading period on Days 15, 30, 60, 75, 105, 120, 150, 165 (Teacher may assign actual grade earned for progress report period)
*Report Cards—Issued one time per 9-week grading period. Percentage Grade will be no lower than a 50.
*Nine-week grading markers—Days 43, 83, 130, and 173.
*Schools should notify Accountability Office when 3/4 transition students meet 3rd grade reading standards in the fourth grade.
Grades 3rd through 12th
Letter Grade | Range | GPA Equivalency |
A | 90-100 | 4.0 |
B | 80-89 | 3.0 |
C | 70-79 | 2.0 |
D | 60-69 | 1.0 |
F | 0-59 | 0.0 |
* Progress Reports—Issued two times per grading period on Days 15, 30, 60, 75, 105 120, 150, 165 (Students receive actual grade earned)
* Report Grades—Issued one time per 9-week grading period.
*Nine-week grading markers—Days 43, 83, 130, 173. Percentage Grade will be no lower than a 50.
Notes for High School Grading:
* HS Final Grades - Final grades shall be calculated as below
* Report card grade not below 50 (quarterly mark)
* Final exam - Actual grade earned
* Final grade = Average of quarterly grades + actual exam grade (should not be altered)
* HS State final exam grades - Students shall receive actual graded earned and will be calculated s 20% of grade, not to be altered.
* HS College course grades - Professor/college will issue grades (should not be altered). High schools will post final grades to student transcript.
* NCVPS - Progress reports and quarterly grades not reported in SIS, only final grades are reported/stored in SIS and reflected on transcript.
* APEX - Progress reports and quarterly grades are reported, but not averaged for final grade. APEX issues the final grade that is reflected on the transcript.
Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy Requirements for Promotion/Retention/High School Course Credit
The following attendance guidelines are approved for Bladen County Schools. School administrators, parents, and students should refer to this LEA policy when determining student promotion or retention.
Principal/School follows LEA Policy |
Waiver required for promotion /retention |
Superintendent Decision |
Elementary and |
Up to 20 Total excused and unexcused |
21-30 absences Waiver Required |
More than 30 absences |
High School |
Up to 10 absences per semester per course Total excused and unexcused |
11-15 absences Waiver Required |
More than 15 absences during school year |
Updated June 12, 2023
Honor Roll Criteria Grades 3-12
Administrative Guidelines and Recognition Criteria
Grades 3-12
For a student to be eligible for Superintendent's List, A Honor Roll, or B Honor Roll, all of the listed criteria must be met during any nine week grading period.
The Superintendent’s List –
- Achieve a 95 or higher in all classes during the grading period
A Honor Roll
Achieve a 90 or higher in all classes during the grading period
B Honor Roll
Achieve an 80 or above in all classes during the grading period
Superintendent’s Academic Scholars Award: To be eligible for the Superintendent's Academic Scholar Award, a student must maintain a 95 or above in all classes during one of the first three grading periods.
District Academic Scholars Award: To be eligible for the District Academic Scholar Award, a student must maintain a minimum grade of 90 in all classes during all of the first three grading periods.
- Eligible students will be recognized school-wide.
- Superintendent's List, A Honor Roll, and Honor Roll will be published.
- Student behavior may not be used when calculating student grades to meet above criteria.
Advance Courses in Mathematics Procedures
The information provided here will govern the placement and appeal process for students who qualify to take advanced courses in mathematics.
Current District Procedures Based on SL 2019-120
NC General Statute, 115C-81.36 (State Legislation) requires the following:
A) When practicable, local boards of education shall offer advanced learning opportunities in mathematics in grades three through five, and advanced courses in mathematics in all grades six and higher. For the purposes of this section, advanced learning opportunities are those services and curricular modifications in mathematics for academically or intellectually gifted students approved as part of the local plan, as required by GS 116C-150.7.
B) When advanced learning opportunities are offered in mathematics in grades three through five, any student scoring at the highest level on the end-of-grade test shall, for the next school year, be provided advanced learning opportunities in mathematics approved for that student’s grade level. No student who qualifies under this subsection shall be removed from the advanced learning opportunity provided to the student unless a parent or guardian of the student provides written consent for the student to be excluded or removed after being adequately informed that the student’s placement was determined by the student’s achievement on the previous end-of-grade test.
C) When advanced courses are offered in mathematics in grades six or higher, any student scoring at the highest level on the end-of-grade or end-of-course test for the mathematics course in which the student was most recently enrolled shall be enrolled for the next mathematics course in which the student is enrolled. A student in seventh grade scoring at the highest level on the seventh grade mathematics end-of-grade test shall be enrolled in a high school level mathematics course in eighth grade. No student who qualifies under this subsection shall be removed from the advanced or high school mathematics course in which the student is enrolled unless a parent or guardian of the student provides written consent for the student to be excluded or removed from that course after being adequately informed that the student’s placement was determined by the student’s achievement on the previous end-of-grade or end-of-course test.
As discussed in Sections A, B, and C, Bladen County Schools will provide the following support for students who qualify:
Grades 3-5: Students will participate in Academically-Intellectually Gifted (AIG) pull-out groups for supplemental and advanced instruction, as well as participate in any AIG-clustered math courses.
Grades 6-7: Students will participate in Academically-Intellectually Gifted (AIG) pull-out groups for supplemental and advanced instruction, as well as be registered in the same AIG math cluster sections of math courses for their grade level.
Grade 8: Students will be enrolled in NC Math I as the advanced math course.
Grades 9-12: Students will be enrolled in the appropriate honors section of their currently enrolled math course in fulfillment of their graduation requirements.
The legislation also provides an option for parents or guardians to waive their child’s participation. A copy of the waiver form is attached to this letter. If you would like for your child to participate, there is nothing else required for you to do. You should only complete the waiver if you decide for your child not to participate in either advanced mathematics learning opportunities or courses.
Initial Placement for Advanced Math Courses
The following considerations should be made in making placement decisions:
• most recent EOG/EOC data, keeping in mind that a student does not have to earn a Level 5 to participate in advanced mathematics courses,
• other assessment data,
• course performance prior to school closure,
• data routinely used to offer advanced learning opportunities for AIG students,
• student learning profiles,
• teacher or team observations,
• student work samples, and/or
• other evidence of critical thinking and/or student readiness to achieve.
In utilizing the data points above, no single data point should prohibit a student from consideration in advanced learning opportunities or advanced mathematics courses. However, any single piece of data, at an exemplary level, indicates a student’s potential need for the mathematics advanced learning opportunity or advanced math courses.
Advanced Math Course Placement Parental Options and Appeal Process for 2022-2023
If your child has been placed in an advanced math course or advanced math learning opportunity, and you do not wish for your child to be included in this opportunity, you must complete the parental waiver form.
CCP Program Criteria for Freshmen and Sophomores
The NC Community College System (NCCCS), through legislative action, has allowed the extension of the Career and College Promise (CCP) Program to allow eligible students in their freshmen or sophomore year. Providing the opportunity for freshmen and sophomores to participate is optional and not required of the school district or community college. However, Bladen County Schools (BCS) and Bladen Community College (BCC) have worked collaboratively to bring this opportunity to our students.
Policy # 1D SBCCC 400.11 Education Services through College and Career Promise (NCCCS policy)
To be eligible for enrollment, a high school student must meet the following requirements:
(1) Be a high school freshman or sophomore; and
(A) Be identified as academically or intellectually gifted in English, reading and math as outlined in the local board of education’s Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG) local plan (General Statute 115C-150.7.); or
(B) Be identified as academically or intellectually gifted in English, reading and math on an aptitude and achievement test as evidenced by a score in the range between the 92nd percentile and the 99th percentile on an aptitude and an achievement test included in the Mental Measurements Yearbook published by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements; and
(2) Demonstrate college readiness in English, reading and mathematics by meeting benchmarks on diagnostic assessment tests which have been approved by the State Board of Community Colleges; and
(3) Have the maturity to justify admission to the community college, as demonstrated by obtaining all of the following:
(A) A recommendation from the student’s principal or equivalent administrator explaining why they believe the student has the requisite maturity to enroll at the community college;
(B) A recommendation from the academically gifted coordinator, if one is employed by the high school or local school administrative unit, explaining why they believe the student has the requisite maturity to enroll at the community college; and
(C) Approval to enroll by the community college president or their designee. Prior to requesting approval by the community college president or their designee, the student must deliver the recommendations described in (A) and (B) to the community college president or their designee.
(4) Have the written consent of the student’s parent or guardian granting permission for the student to participate in the program; and
(5) The student must participate in academic advising with representatives from the high school and community college prior to enrollment in the program. This advising shall be focused on the implications of being admitted to college early.
Maintaining Eligibility for Continued Enrollment, Changing Pathways,
and Other Rules Applicable to College Transfer Pathways
(1) To maintain eligibility for continued enrollment in the pathway, a student must:
(A) Continue to make progress toward high school graduation as outlined in G.S. 115C-105.35 and
(B) Maintain a 2.0 GPA in college coursework after completing two courses.
(2) A student who falls below a 2.0 GPA after completing two college courses will be subject to the college’s policy for satisfactory academic progress.
(3) A student may only enroll in one College Transfer Pathway program of study. Course substitutions may be approved by the chief academic officer for individual students. Course substitutions for individual students must be documented and maintained on file.
(4) A student may change the student’s pathway major with approval of the high school principal or the high school principal’s designee and the college’s chief student development administrator or the college’s chief academic officer. The college’s chief student development administrator or the college’s chief academic officer shall approve a change in pathway based on verification that the program change allows the student to meet their newly chosen career path.
(5) High school students in a College Transfer Pathways must complete the entire pathway before taking additional courses in the Associate degree with the exception of mathematics courses.
(6) With approval of the high school principal or the high school principal’s designee and the college’s chief student development administrator or the college’s chief academic officer, a student who completes a College Transfer Pathway, while still enrolled in high school, may continue to earn college transfer credits leading to the completion of the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, or Associate in General Education Nursing degree.
(7) With approval of the high school principal or the high school principal’s designee and the college’s chief student development administrator or the college’s chief academic officer, a student may enroll in both a College Transfer Pathway and a Career Technical Education Pathway.
(8) A student may change the student’s program of study major with approval of the high school principal or the high school principal’s designee and the college’s chief student development administrator or the college’s chief academic officer. The college’s chief student development administrator or the college’s chief academic officer shall approve a change in pathway based on verification that the program change allows the student to meet their newly chosen career path.
(9) The college may award the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, or Associate in General Education – Nursing to the Career and College Promise student prior to high school graduation.
(10) Students pursuing credits beyond the initial transfer associate degree must provide documentation of justification based upon career pathway needs or transfer program requirements (i.e. bachelor degree plan published by the university). The high school principal or the high school principal’s designee and the college’s chief student development administrator or the college’s chief academic officer must approve prior to enrollment in credits beyond the initial transfer program. Approval is contingent upon the student’s documentation of justification based upon career pathway needs or transfer program requirements.
Specific Program Guidelines
1. Students must meet all eligibility criteria stated in the NCCCS policy to be considered for enrollment in CCP courses at Bladen Community College.
2. Students can begin enrollment in the CCP program as freshmen and sophomores beginning in the Spring semester.
3. Freshmen students will be required to complete one full semester (Fall) first at their respective high school prior to enrollment in the CCP program. This provides an opportunity for the principal to evaluate the student’s maturity level and readiness to take CCP courses at BCC. Therefore, freshmen can only begin CCP courses in the Spring of each academic year. Sophomores may enroll in both semesters if approved.
4. Freshmen students will only be allowed to enroll in the ACA course in the spring semester. Sophomores must have their course selections approved by the principal before enrolling in each semester.
5. Students who participate in the CCP program will be responsible for the cost of textbooks and any other required course materials. Tuition is provided free-of-charge while the student is enrolled in BCS.
6. On-going participation in the CCP program will be subject to academic progress and attendance. Parents and students are required to participate in academic advising sessions prior to registering for courses. The principal reserves the right to withdraw students from the CCP program who are not meeting the necessary academic expectations.
7. The following information is required for review to be admitted into the CCP program:
(A) Official HS transcript
(B)Proof of being identified as Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG), in reading and math, by BCS Official test scores meeting minimum requirements (consult the BCC website for required tests)
(C)A letter of recommendation from the principal verifying that the student has maturity to enroll
(D) A letter of recommendation from the district AIG coordinator
8. All completed applications must have the final approval of the college president, or her designee; as well as the superintendent, or his designee, before the student is enrolled.
9. Parents and students must sign an agreement each year acknowledging that they have read and understand the criteria for admission to the CCP program for freshmen and sophomores.
Honors Level Course Portfolio Requirements
The State Board of Education has requested the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to develop and implement a review process in order to provide guidance to Local Education Agencies for effective implementation of honors level courses. The Honors Level Course Rubric and the Honors Implementation Guide will serve as a framework to guide teachers, principals and Local Education Agencies in developing and locally reviewing honors level courses. The honors level course review process will occur every three years.
Randomly selected Local Education Agencies will be notified at least one semester prior to the review in order for effective collection of documentation and artifacts. The review process is intended to provide comments, feedback and support to strengthen honors level courses for continuous program improvement.
Purpose of the North Carolina Honors Level Course Rubric
The purpose of this rubric is to clearly define what makes an honors level course different from a standard level course. The rubric assesses how the curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices are adapted for advanced learners. It is designed to provide a consistent framework to guide teachers and principals as they develop, implement and evaluate local courses aligned to the NC Standard Course of Study, which includes the Common Core State Standards and NC Essential Standards. Locally developed honors level courses are subject to the honors level course review process. The honors level rubric will serve as the foundation for the revision of the Honors Implementation Guide in the fall of 2012.
As honors level courses are prepared for review and specific evidence is required: ∙ Honors Level Course Portfolio Checklist to verify that each component is present and additional artifacts are identified.
∙ Honors Level Course Review Rubric which indicates whether each expectation is met or not met.
Reviewers and school personnel may use these forms to ensure that all the necessary components of an honors level course are met. The intent is to provide a consistent tool for school personnel and reviewers to evaluate honors level courses.
For local review, school personnel may consider the following:
∙ The curriculum guide is clear, concise and includes the following:
o course description (including length of the course)
o standards
o concepts (generalizations/essential questions)
o issues particular to the course expectations of performance
o pacing guides with examples of assignments, time tables and deadlines assessments, rubrics, grading practices
o instructional materials, equipment and/or technology
∙ The teacher is qualified and prepared to teach advanced learners through multiple instructional methods which may include modalities that incorporate Instructional Technology Essential Standards (ITES) and/or Career and Technical Education Industry Recognized Standards and Credentials.
NCVPS Enrollment for Summer School Courses
This criteria shall apply to rising freshmen that will attend high school in the fall semester of the current calendar year.
• Summer course registrations are subject to available slots and are not guaranteed. Upper level high school students will be given priority in enrollment as needed for graduation requirements. Every effort will be made to honor student requests but classes occasionally do fill up.
• Students may qualify for enrollment if they have achieved a Level 4 or 5 on the Math or Reading EOG for grades 7 and 8.
• Students must have also maintained an A average in the same content area for two consecutive years in grades 7 and 8 to enroll in the respective NCVPS course(s).
• NCVPS enrollment will be the responsibility of the high school guidance and administration teams. (Middle school personnel may advise, but should direct questions about course approvals to high school personnel.)
• NCVPS online courses must be approved by the administration and fall within guidelines of the criteria as noted in this document. Requests must be submitted in writing and be approved by the principal and the Assistant Superintendent. Parents must sign an agreement for rising freshmen to register for NCVPS courses.
• Rising freshmen may only enroll in one summer NCVPS online course and must only select from the courses listed below.
• Grades, student progress, and assignment completion will be available to parents and students online through the NCVPS online platform (Canvas) and may be accessed any time by parents or students using the CANVAS app.
• Course instructors for NCVPS may be contacted via email, phone, or text when there are questions about the specific course or content. Information will be provided by the NCVPS teacher, not the school.
• Students are required to take any state exams associated with the NCVPS course. Exams must be taken on site of the assigned school. Enrollment in classes with a NC End-of-Course (EOC) test is not permitted over the summer.
• Student grades WILL apply to the student’s Grade Point Average and will be weighted accordingly.
NCVPS Summer Course Options - Rising Freshmen (9th Graders) |
English I |
Visual Arts I (Beginning) |
Earth and Environmental Science |
African-American Studies |
World History |
Medieval Studies |
Leadership Development |
SAT Prep |
Success 101 |
ACT Prep |
Any Foreign Language (Level I) |
Application for Summer NCVPS Courses – Rising Freshmen
Policy and Application for Summer NCVPS Courses
Middle School Criteria for Seated High School Courses
- Enrollment will be open to students in 8th grade ONLY.
Eighth grade students may qualify for enrollment if they have achieved a Level 4 or 5 in the same content area for the high school course(s) on the EOG in sixth* grade, or are enrolled in the Project Challenge program.
Student must have also maintained an A average in the same content area as the high school course(s) in the seventh grade to enroll in seated high school courses.
Grades for middle school courses will be documented as a high school credit on the student’s transcript. Course credits do not count towards the student’s high school grade point average (GPA).
Students are required to take any state exams associated with high school courses.
Middle school students must have a completed recommendation form from a teacher in the same content area in which they are seeking to enroll in seated high school course.
Course offerings are subject to scheduling and personnel availability.
Effective 2018-19, the new legislation regarding advanced math courses supersedes the above criteria, when applicable.
Grade 8 Approved Courses for Seated Instruction |
English I |
Math I |
Earth and Environmental Science |