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The Exceptional Children's PK program provides services for children ages 3-5 who demonstrate a developmental delay requiring speciality designed instruction under state criteria in one or more of the following areas: speech, social-emotional, cognitive, physical, and adaptive skill areas.     Children who may be in need of these services are referred to the school system.  Referrals (notification of possible need) can be received through various sources which include but are not limited to: doctors, teachers, daycares, agencies, and parents.  A referral is made by simply notifying the school system of possible delay concerns.  A referral is accepted in writing, by call or email.     Once a referral is made, the Exceptional Children's PreK Coordinator will schedule a mutually convenient meeting to address concerns and determine what actions are needed.  As a team at that meeting, it may be decided that further information gathered by various evaluations is needed to determine if a delay is present and requires specially designed instruction.  The team may also determine that testing is not needed based on information presented at the time of the meeting meaning no delay is suspected or there may be enough existing data present to make a determination (if the referral source (ex: parent) has outside data/evaluations that meets all criteria).   Once the referral process is complete, if a child qualifies for services with the Exceptional Children's program based on criteria set by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, the team will work together to create an individualized education plan to address all determined needs.  If you or someone you know has specific questions about the Exceptional Children's program in Bladen County or has concerns about a child, please contact the county EC PK Coordinator listed above.   Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the Exceptional Children's Preschool Program and Bladen County Schools Pre-K?

The Exceptional Children's Preschool program provides special education services for children as indicated on their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Children can be eligible for these services beginning at age 3. This program is separate from the Bladen County Schools Pre-K program and only serves children who have been determined to display developmental delays and require specially designed instruction.  This specially designed instruction may be provided on a continuum of services that may be at home, in daycare, or through the school.  Children who are four years of age by August 31 are eligible to apply to the Bladen County Schools Pre-K program through a different process.   

What do I do if I moved here from another county or state and my child has an IEP?
Call our main office (910) 862-4136, ext. 10030. We will meet with you and make the necessary arrangements to obtain your child's Exceptional Children's file from the state or county you which you have moved and determine the appropriate special education services that your child that qualifies under NC Guidelines.

Parent Resources

The Department of Early Learning uses evidence-based curricula in order to teach North Carolina's Foundations of Early Learning Standards.

Foundations for Families

Fundamentos para Familias


Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (SEFEL)

The SEFEL pyramid model is designed to promote positive social and emotional development and decrease challenging behaviors in the classroom.  The model is a hierarchy approach, designed with three tiers to make sure the social-emotional needs of every student are met. 

NC Early Learning Network

Technical Assistance Center on Emotional Intervention (TACSEI)

Center on the Social Emotional Foundations of Early Learning


Creative Curriculum

The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills. It is designed to help educators at all levels of experience plan and implement a developmentally appropriate, content-rich program for children with diverse backgrounds and skill levels.

Creative Curriculum

Melony Slacks

EC PreK Coordinator

Program Specialist

910-862-4136 ext. 10030