It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Technology and Digital Teaching and Learning. Our department provides technical and instructional support for every school and administrative office in the district. Our departmental mission is to empower students, teachers, administrators, staff, and the community to become lifelong, independent learners in a 21st century environment through the application and support of technological resources.
The use and application of technological resources are a critical component for providing engaging lessons and opportunities for hands-on learning through real-life and virtual experiences. In years past, the technology skills curriculum was taught and assessed independently of all other subject areas. It is now an expectation that teachers embed the North Carolina Information Technology Essential Standards in all content areas on a daily basis. As a department, we are committed to continued research of new and innovative technologies that are supportive of enhanced learning opportunities for our students. We also provide a plethora of professional learning opportunities for all employees through personal, small group, large group, professional learning communities (PLCs) and online platforms.